Benefits of using email marketing for your startup

6 September 2022

With all the forms of online marketing and communication around today, it’s easy to forget that the classics never go out of style. Email marketing remains one of the most effective forms of digital advertising to this day, despite being the oldest.

The first marketing email was sent all the way back in 1978. Yet almost 45 years later, email has a $36 return on investment (ROI) for every $1 spent. You can attract new customers and keep existing ones coming back! In this post, we will explore why you should be using email marketing, how it helps to raise awareness for your business, and best practices.

Why Use Email Marketing For Your Startup
When starting your business, the most important thing you have to do is get eyes on it as soon as you can. While Facebook marketing gives your business access to over 1 billion users, that number is dwarfed by whopping 4 billion daily email users. This number is expected to climb to 4.6 billion by 2025. This gives you the opportunity to reach people in a place they visit every day – their inbox. Email Marketing is proven to work and is almost 40 times more effective than social media in helping your business acquire new customers.

An overwhelming 90% of marketing emails sent are actually received by the recipient. This is in stark contrast to social media advertising, wherein 2% of your Facebook followers will see your organic content.

Additionally, using email marketing also gives you unlimited access to customers at all times, as an astounding 53% of all emails are open on mobile phones, these days.

How Email Marketing Raises Awareness of Your Business
Building Relationships With Customers
Whether new or returning customers, you can build meaningful relationships with readers through your emails, especially when your business is starting out. Using personalized emails for targets is a step in the right direction. Personalized content is far more likely to drive conversions than a spray and pray approach.

People do business with those they trust. Keeping your clients informed on what’s going on with your business and what you are promoting will help build your credibility.

Increase Brand Recognition
The importance of building your new brand with your customer base can’t be overstated. By consistently providing direct content to your audience, they will begin to recognize, and even anticipate your emails. Providing clients with engaging content will keep them coming back to your brand.

Netflix sends out constant emails to their subscribers to help build hype for their new original series. This is an excellent way to build brand recognition because it keeps you on people’s minds while giving them reasons to use your service.

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